When you have the right building blocks in place you can build your bridge to success.
By implementing Spark Lead manager as part of your foundation you are able to track all sources of leads as well as track your teams interactions with the leads.
You are able to see the effects of various changes and how that impacts the bottom line. No more guessing where the business is coming from or what is converting. Its all captured in real-time so you can make proper marketing decisions and where your money makes the most impact.
Once you have control over how to track the sources of customers you can then scale your business appropriately. You can make smart marketing decisions on where you are seeing the most value.
No more gut reactions to what’s working for your business work of the numbers.
Traffic Sources
Google ads, PPC, Google Business Places, Bing, yahoo…
Social Media Facebook, insta, tik, Marketplace, etc.
Blog PR News
Traditional media, TV, Radio, newspaper, Mailers, Billboard..
All funneling into Spark then we track that to
Lead Status and customer interaction : Active, Pending, Deposit, in process, Closed
Record Estimate amount, invoice amount, Discounts to track revenue
Add to this product/service purchased, job size, cog
Now we can really dive into some numbers